Beans salad with paprika.
✔ 300 grams (12 oz) white or brown beans
✔ 1 paprika, finely chopped
✔ 1 cheese, grated
✔ 1 tbsp mayonnaise
✔ to decorate - parsley
✔ 2 tbsp olive oil

1. Soak beans overnight in plenty of water. Rinse and remove any remaining skin on beans. Place beans in a saucepan with enough water to cover beans. Cook until beans are soft. Skim the surface of water at intervals. When cooked, drain.
2. Place cooked beans in a serving dish add olive oil, than grated cheese and chopped red sweet paprika. Combine beans with fried vegetables.
3. Drizzle mayonnaise over beans. Decorate with parsley. Serve.