Carrot salad with spices
Description: Rich of vitamins. This salad can be delicious appetizer. Carrot dilutes tissues, opens congestions in liver and strengthens the stomach. Carrot is good for breast, liver and stomach aches. It is used as diuretic and helpful to draw away nephroliths. Fresh carrot is hard to digest, that's why it is better to drink carrot juice or make salads dressed with oil. Carrot jam with honey strengthens intestines.
✔ 5 - 7 carrots, grated.
✔ 3 tbsp onion, peeled, chopped.
✔ 1 - 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice.
✔ 4 - 5 tbsp olive oil.
✔ sugar, salt,
✔ sesame, crushed garlic gloves - to taste;
✔ ground: black pepper, red pepper, curcuma, coriander - to taste

1. Put grated carrots into tureen. Add sugar, salt, lemon juice, ground pepper and remained spices, sesame and crushed garlic gloves.
2. Stir thoroughly. Set aside for 1 - 2 hours.
3. Heat in the skillet oil, add finely chopped onion, fry stirring.
4. Pour hot oil with onion into carrot. Stir. Cover, place in the refrigerator. Chill until serving time.