No bake cookies with oatmeal!

Flax seeds: an awesome source of omega 3 essential fats, omega 3 has been shown to have healthy heart benefits. Flax seeds also contain up to a whopping 800 times more lignans than other plant foods. Lignans are not only known for their antioxidant properties, but they also have powerful estrogen qualities, making them very supportive for hormone health. This recipe is very simple and tasty. Seeds are highly nutritious and supportive to health, so I like to include them in my diet on a daily basis. If you have not a lot free time, but you would like to use your own fantasy.
✔ 200 g (7 oz) sugar
✔ 1/4 cup cocoa
✔ 200 g (7 oz) milk
✔ 200 g (7 oz) butter
✔ 1/2 tsp vanilla
✔ 2 tbsp Sunflower seeds, crushed
1 tsp sesame seeds, crushed
✔ 2 tbsp ground flax seeds,
✔ cinnamon and spices, depending on personal taste too. 3 cups oatmeal

1. Mix together first 3 ingredients in a heavy pan, bring to a boil over med high heat. Stir until sugar dissolves. Boil for 1 - 2 minutes. Chill.
2. Beat butter, use food processor. Whisk softened butter with sweet milk. Gradually add sweet cool milk to the soft butter, whisk to create a smooth whipped cream.
3. Add remained ingredients into the mixture.
4. Either spoon cookie size portions onto wax paper or pour into pan sprayed with cooking spray. Place into Refrigerator. Allow to cool and cut.

No bake Carrot cake. Dessert for vegetarians and raw foodists

Description: An extremely delicious, decadent, healthy raw, no-bake carrot cake recipe. Totally plant-based, sweetened only with dates, dried apricots and honey. Seeds are highly nutritious and supportive to our health, so I like to include them in my diet on a daily basis.

✔ 100 g of dates (pre-soaked for 2-3 hours);
✔ 50 g dried apricots;
✔ 20 g goji berries;
✔ 1 large carrot, 200 g;
✔ 100 g walnuts;
✔ honey 1 tablespoon;
✔ 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds;
✔ 0,5 piece peeled orange;
✔ 1 tbsp fresh lemon peel, grated or cut into small cubes; You can take a teaspoon of ground lemon zest;
✔ 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (freshly ground);
✔ 1 teaspoon of rose petals, ground
✔ 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated or finely diced
✔ 2-3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
✔ 1 tablespoon coconut oil (melted)

с финиками

Creamy frosting ingredients:
✔ Handful cashews, soaked, The cashew for the creamy frosting soak for at least 2,5 hours or longer.
✔ 2 tablespoons cranberry syrup, you can take a syrup of rose petals or any other syrup; Cashew and syrup grind, mix well.
✔ Dessicated coconut to dress; or sesame, or poppy, depending on personal taste.

Морковный кекс, для вегетарианцев и сыроедов

Cake preparation:
Pre-soak dried apricots and dates in pure water, about 2 - 3 hours.
Remove from the water apricots and dates, place them in the bowl of a food processor. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and add dates and dried apricots; add honey to the same; half an orange, sliced; washed, softened water goji berries and coconut oil. All chop, mix. Place mixture into a mixing bowl.
Crush into crumbs walnuts wooden rolling pin and add to the bowl with a mass of dried fruits and carrots. Sunflower seeds can be ground in a coffee grinder and also put in a bowl with a mixture there to add nutmeg, ginger, rose petals, cinnamon, lemon zest. All mix well. It should not be a puree, although it should be able to easily stick together.

Prepare the mixture to put in the fridge for 30 minutes, then put it in cellophane, molded desired shape cake on top and sprinkle with cashews distribute poppy or sesame seeds, can coconut or cocoa. Place in the fridge.
