Cabbage salad with garlic.

Cabbage Salad is very tasty and healthy food, rich of vitamin C. This salad can be delicious appetizer.
✔ 3 kg cabbage, raw, shredded.
✔ garlic gloves.
✔ 2 carrots, washed, peeled, sliced.
✔ red pepper, ground.
For brine:
✔ 1,5 liter water
✔ 1 cup sugar
✔ 3,5 tbsp canning salt,
✔ 1 cup oil
✔ 1 cup vinegar ( 6 %)

1. Shred the cabbage into chunks. Slice carrots, crush garlic, add red pepper.
2. Boil all ingredients for brine, except vinegar. Chill. Add into chilled brine vinegar.
3. Pour brine with except vinegar over vegetables. Cover and leave in a cool place for 3 - 4 days. It will be ready to eat in 3 days.