Lettuce Salad with lemon slices.

Description: A very good appetizer, clean and improve our blood and of course it is very valuable for our skin. It will brighten up your menu.
✔ 2 oz parsley (leaves), finely chopped.
✔ 2 oz dill, finely chopped.
✔ 2 oz green onion, finely chopped.
✔ 2 oz chervil (leaves), finely chopped.
✔ 2 oz celery, finely chopped.
✔ 2 oz fresh coriander (leaves), finely chopped.
✔ 6 oz washed lettuce leaves, finely chopped.
✔ 1,5 oz (30 g) sour cream.
✔ salt, mayonnaise to taste.
✔ lemon, 1 - 2 slices
1. Wash greenery leaves, drain and chop it.
2. Combine all ingredients and stir in sour cream and mayonnaise. Decorate with lemon slices.