String beans with Ketchup.

✔ 0,5 kg (1,1 lb) string beans, cooked and chopped
✔ 4 - 5 tbsp olive oil (or soy oil)
✔ 1 onion, finely chopped
✔ 2 - 3 garlic gloves, chopped
✔ 1 - 2 tbsp tomato sauce or Ketchup
✔ green onion, dill, salt to taste
✔ olives, to decorate
1. Put onion into skillet with the oil and fry until golden. Stir, put into the mixture cooked string beans, fry until brown.
2. Add remaining ingredients. Stir. Stew. Decorate with green onion, dill leaves and olives. Serve.