Chicken Salad with carrot and green peas.

3 medium size potato
2 carrot, boiled, cubed
4 small pickled cucumbers
1 small fresh cucumbers
1 small to medium onion
8 oz. canned green peas
1 cup chicken breast, fillet, skinned, cooked.
3 - 4 tbsp of mayonnaise
Salt, black pepper, shredded fresh greenery according to taste
2 tomatoes, slice, to decorate with.
1. Boil potato with the skin on until tender. Drain, chill, peel.
2. Cut potato, cucumber, carrot, chicken breasts into small cubes.
3. Drain canned green peas well and place them in a mixing bowl.
4. Cut onion very finely. Flavour, mix all ingredients together.
Add mayonnaise. Stir and decorate with tomatoes.
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