Pelmeni with filling ground meat.

Pelmeni are among the most popular Russian dishes. The world pelnyan means an ear made of dough, and pelmeni really are this shape. If you ever need to serve Pelmeni in several hours or even days later you need not to cook them in boiled water. Store fresh Pelmeny in the fridge freezer.
For dough:

100 g - 120 g (3,5 oz) - water
2 - eggs
For meat filling:
200 g (7 oz) - beef, ground
200 g (7 oz) - pork, ground
3 brown onions, finely chopped
1/4 cup water
salt, ground black pepper to taste, ground coriander, ground dry herbs, such as green onions, thyme, dill, parsley, Celery - to taste.
Cooking Instructions:
Making pelmeni begins with the preparation of the pastry. Sift flour into a mound, make a well in the centre and add a teaspoonful of salt, one or two eggs, warm water and knead the dough. Cover it with a tea towel and leave to stand for 30- 40 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the meat filling. Take 200 grams (7 oz) of beef and 200 grams (7 oz) of pork and put through the meat grinder twice, together with two brown onions. Add salt and ground spices to taste, herbs, and then some cold boiled water. The mixture should be not quite so thick as for rissoles. When the filling is ready, return to the pastry.
Roll it out thinly, cut out circles 5-6 cm (2 - 2.5 inch) and put a small ball of filling onto centre of each. The edges have to be joined and pinched together, which is not as easy as it sounds. No one cook's pelmeni are the same: some make large ones, others small ones, some pelmeni are very intricately, and others more simply joined. Put the pelmeni in the fridge so that they become firm.
To serve, cook the pelmeni in boiling salted water with bay leaf for about 10 - 12 minutes, until they rise to the surface. emove with a skimmer. Serve with sour cream, or melted butter, vinegar, pepper and mustard.

Авторские блюда из даров природы

Meat. Contents.
Cooking Pictures
Braised beef in the pot
Chicken baked in the pot
Chicken legs with spices baked
Chicken legs, potatoes, baked
Chicken cutlets
Fried Chicken breasts
Chicken fried in the batter
Pork, veal and rice cutlets
Chickens, Stewed in Cream
Fried Chicken liver
Liver in sour cream sauce
Macaroni with beef, green onion
Macaroni with chicken breast
Pizza with ham and chicken
Pozharsky Rissoles
Rice meat Balls
Rice with chicken breasts
Rump steak
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Pelmeni with ground meat
Pelmeni Siberian, cabbage
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Potato Salad with green peas
Chicken salad, puffed
Chicken salad, fresh cucumbers
Chicken salad , tomatoes
Chicken Salad, carrot, peas
Ham Salad, cheese, olives
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