Village Pelmeni with sorrel-spinach-green onion,
or with chicken, or with fish and mushrooms.

Pelmeni are among the most popular Russian dishes. The world pelnyan means an ear made of dough, and pelmeni really are this shape. If you ever need to serve Pelmeni in several hours or even days later you need not to cook them in boiled water. Store fresh Pelmeny in the fridge freezer.

Ingredients for Dough:
2 cup wheat flour,
1/2 cup water,
1 egg, beaten.
1/4 tsp salt or to taste.
flour, that to flour board
Fillings for pelmeni.
Ingredients for spinach filling:
300 g (10,6 oz) spinach leaves, washed, (strain, drain well).
2 tbsp butter.
2 onion, medium, finely chopped.
Ingredients for sorrel-spinach-green onion filling:
200 g (7 oz) sorrel leaves, washed, (strain, drain well).
200 g (7 oz) spinach (or nettles) leaves, washed, (strain, drain well).
200 g (7 oz) green onion, washed, (strain, drain well).
2 eggs, boiled.
3 tbsp butter.
Ingredients for chicken-cream filling
800 g - 900 g (1,8 lb) chicken, boned, skinned, minced.
150 - 200 g (7 oz) cream.
salt, ground dry dill to taste.
Ingredients for fish-mushrooms filling:
300 grams (10,6 oz) - fish, fillet, ground.
2 onions, medium, finely chopped.
100 g (3,5 oz) mushrooms, dried.
salt, ground coriander, ground dry parsley - to taste.
Cooking Instructions:
Sift the flour. Combine all ingredients in mixing bowl.Knead the dough by hand or machine. Shape the dough into a ball, cover the dough with a kitchen towel and set aside for 30 minutes.
Roll out dough on a well floured surface thinly and cut into 5-6 cm (2 - 2.5 inch) rounds. Put a ball of filling (about the size of a small walnut) on one half of the round and fold over making a half moon. Pinch the edges, draw the two points together making a little purse. Repeat with the remaining filling and dough.
Put the pelmeni in boiling water, add salt. Continue to boil until the pelmeni rise to the surface (about 15 mitutes). Remove with a skimmer.
Serve HOT with sour cream, melted butter, vinegar, pepper, pungent grated cheese or mustard.
To make spinach filling:
Put all ingredients in skillet, fry stirring thoroughly. Chill.
To make sorrel-spinach-green onion filling:
Chop all ingredients and mix.Put in skillet, simmer with butter stirring thoroughly. Chill.
Serve pelmeni HOT with crushed garlic cloves mixed with sour cream or cream.
To make chicken-cream filling:
Combine all ingredients. Mix, whip thoroughly.
Boiled pelmeni with chicken filling put in the clay pots, sprinkle with mayonnaise. Beat fresh egg with 2 tbsp wheat flour, pour into pots with pelmeni, sprinkle with grated cheese on the top of every pot, bake open in the oven until top will be golden brown. Serve hot, in the pots.
To make fish-mushrooms filling:
Soak washed mushrooms overnight, then cook. Strain, drain well. Chop up and saute the mushrooms with the oil, add onion and fry. Add fish into mushrooms mixture and stir thoroughly. Flavour. Chill.
Serve pelmeni HOT with fried onions and Ketchup, or crushed garlic cloves mixed with sour cream.

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Meat. Contents.
Cooking Pictures
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Chicken baked in the pot
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Chicken cutlets
Fried Chicken breasts
Chicken fried in the batter
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Chickens, Stewed in Cream
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Pelmeni, sorrel-spinach-onion
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